Sunday, September 2, 2012

September Challenge-Get Back on Track

It is time for me to jump back into the game after taking a two month break from everything. It was the first time in seven years that I didn't pick up my guitar and that was strange but I really wasn't making much progress and I was just ready for a break from my routine so perhaps I could breathe some new life into my pursuit of being a renaissance woman.  So now I am ready to ride that wave again.  I will return to my studies and my painting and mixed media art.  I did do a lot of reading over the summer and I took long breaks from watching my movies and series on netflix because I realized that it was eating up too much of my time.  I also spent a lot of time in my garden and recreating my home by adding new sitting areas and redoing my library so now I can find the books that I have spent years looking for.  There is so much that I want to do and I am looking for ways to slow down time as I mentioned earlier this year and recently I found a book called Making Time by Steve Taylor which presents some pretty cool ideas on what causes time to speed up in your life and ways in which you can add more time to your life.   This month I plan to check in one a week because I am trying to do so much.  Have a spectacular September!


  1. sometimes I want to just throw myself and my kids in the ocean and be done with it all, but something keeps telling me they will be grown soon and i breathe and live again so I feel you sister what you where going threw. Sure I made some poor choice in life well hell 90% of choices in life i made have been bad ones but you only live once.

  2. I was taking a break from studying spanish, guitar, and music theory. I am disturbed by what you have expressed and you should try and connect with other sistahs that are in the throws of motherhood and get some help so you will not hurt yourself or your children.
