Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 103 of My 365 Day Meditation Challenge

I was suppose to do this post on day 100 but things got busy so here I am still doing my meditation after 103 days and I am loving all of the good things that have come out of this daily ritual. I am now exercising daily, doing my morning page(Julia Cameron-The Artist Way), I keep a daily meditation journal, this blog, study my spanish, play my guitar, read, read and read and my mind feels wonderful. I am hoping that my meditation will help me to get back to doing some painting. I will continue to meditate twenty minutes in the morning and evening and complete my challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Lynn and I would like to interview you for my blog:

    I just started it, but one of the features I want to have on an ongoing basis is interviews with black folks who practice alternative forms of spirituality. I have been reading your blog for awhile (found out about it through the sistahgoddess blog back around Christmastime) and can really relate to so much of what you say and I would like to hear more of your thoughts on things. Seriously, I don't know too many other black women who're into playing guitar, John/Alice Coltrane and Dion Fortune all at the same time (check all three for me too). I'm also studying Spanish on my own and meditate daily (Vipassana).

    So whaddya say? My email is:
