Sunday, July 31, 2011

July Challenge..............No Idiot Box

This has been a unique month filled with calamitous nudges from the universe all in the name of change. The universe let me know that I have to embrace change by letting go of all fear or at least do it in spite of the fear.
It was hard to hear the message with all of that ridiculous noise and chaos that I call the idiot box, going on day in and day out. By turning that box off my life has become more fulfilling then
it has been for the last two years which is around the time that we, and I mean my husband, purchased that 58 inch plasma screen that little by little consumed way too much of our lives. As a result of turning it off, I was able to join an online photo class, participate in weekly photo prompts from some pretty creative and super interesting women bloggers. By having time to check out many of their blogs, I was inspired to revamp the look of my three blogs and also to pick up some new skills as far as setting up my page. I now have a flickr account and I am having a blast on my tumblr page.
Here is a list of some others things that happened this month
1. I dislocated my toe
2. We worked in our wild garden and nurtured our almost ten foot sunflowers
3. Rearranged my furniture in two rooms
4. Discovered a 135 new relatives on facebook in one day
5. Spent a lot of time photographing my sense of life
6. Visited places that I having been driving by for decades and made some fantastic discoveries
7. Had a fantastic spiritual reading
8. Found a new chiropractic doctor
9. Bought a smart phone
10. Visited my mom's and my brother's memorial sites for the first time in a decade.
Although the month started off with broken cars, crazy negative people that I ended up dropping from my life, and almost nearly breaking my toe, there were lots of wonderful moments of growth, that would not have manifested had I not turned the idiot box off and now aside from watching movies from time to time, I do not plan to watch television. See you tomorrow with my August challenge.

Sunday Challenge

Shadow Dancer-for Shadow Shot Sunday

Because of this months challenge, I had lots of spare time to join in some of the wonderful creative prompts given on these wonderfully creative blogs and Shadow Shot Sunday is a fantastic idea. So here is my entry into the creative pool.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Repeating Patterns-Kat Eye View Assignment

Now that I have turned the television off, I have so much time on my hands and I am jumping into new and exciting challenging as a result of my July challenge of turning the idiot box off. So this post is one of my assignments from a fabulous photographer/teacher of online courses. Look for the KatEye link on the side.
I guess I am kind of cheating because I took these photos a couple of months ago but they fit the assignment but I am out there with my camera doing other assignments, more on that later.

Friday, July 15, 2011

July Challenge..............No Idiot Box Day 15

Well I am halfway through this challenge and all is well although I have not watched television, I did have to watch a dvd and my daughter informed me that I was cheating. I threw in the dvd thing because I didn't want to substitute watching dvds everyday all day in place of watching Bravo, my favorite television channel but at the end of the month, I will return to my occasional dvds. I had given up television for three years when my husband went out and bought a 58 inch plasma flat screen television and threw in surround sound and we both became mesmerized by our new toy. After two years of Bravo, my love affair with this toy is over and I am once again giving up the box. I need time to do art, play my guitar, to continue with my spanish lessons, photography, write my pen pals, and most importantly read, read , read. I do all of these things now but my time is so limited due to throwing it away on goofy entertainment on the idiot box. I have added some really cool things to my life, I have started following two really cool blogs by two fantastic photographers who inspire us by giving us weekly prompts. You can find their buttons on the side panel of this blog and my Simple delights blog. So if you see what seems to be random photos, they are probably photo assignments.

Friday, July 1, 2011

July Challenge..............No Idiot Box

I have been on the road for two weeks and my senses are over loaded so I am simply not ready to watch any television, and I am adding dvds to the challenge also. I need time to be creative, to read all of the books that are stacking up around me, to play my guitar and most of all, to return to painting because it makes me happy. So here I go, day one did have a movie in it but that was before I decided that dvds had to go also. And oh yeah, I want to add reading news online to the challenge also, because that stuff is maddening and draining. As of now, I am off and running with this new challenge for the month of July, wish me luck.