Sunday, July 24, 2011

Repeating Patterns-Kat Eye View Assignment

Now that I have turned the television off, I have so much time on my hands and I am jumping into new and exciting challenging as a result of my July challenge of turning the idiot box off. So this post is one of my assignments from a fabulous photographer/teacher of online courses. Look for the KatEye link on the side.
I guess I am kind of cheating because I took these photos a couple of months ago but they fit the assignment but I am out there with my camera doing other assignments, more on that later.


  1. Talibah, how awesome, turning the TV off! It gives you tons of time, doesn't it? It's not cheating to use archive shots in my challenges, I consider it just as valuable to review as to use new shots. These are both great shots, but I am drawn to the shadow and light in the first one. Thanks so much for linking in!

  2. That`s a fantastic idea - turning the TV off. Well`s so easy just to turn it on and not even realize you are doing it. I think I need to turn the computer off for a month. Beautiful images and I love staring up through the glass roof at the buildings above. Beautiful.
