Monday, August 1, 2011

August Challenge........Returning to the Canvas

Now this is a really scary challenge for me but I am ready to push myself in the direction that I need to go in. In 2005 when I/we(husband) became so called, "empty nesters," I, way too quickly as far as my dear children are concerned, started to build a new nest to nourish me and my husband's new life. I set out to become a renaissance woman. My husband, who is a fabulous artist, set up his easel and starting painting and initially, I tried to get him to paint the things that excited me, but I soon realized that it was not fair to intrude on his creative process in. So, I had not painted since childhood but I wanted to try and capture some of my wild imaginings. I have no professional training, no classes since junior high, oh yeah, I did take a ceramic's class in high school, but really no training, but I have magic inside of me and I wanted to get it out. So, my husband gave me a canvas and this is what I painted with a chair for my easel.
I didn't know or really concern myself with what others saw, what I saw was magic and it made me happy. I love Georgia O'keeffe and her skulls and this was a TA Ra original and next came my Frida.
Once my husband saw this and how happy it was made me to be able to express myself through painting, he went out and bought me an expensive easel and I was overjoyed because he loved and supported me but I was also a little worried that maybe he was wasting money. Well we both continued to paint for the next three years until my husband bought that darn idiot box and it all came to a gradual halt. This is the painting that I started at the beginning of 2009 and it is still sitting in my studio unfinished.
So now you get the whole (unfinished) picture, and this is why I am a little anxious about taking on this challenge, but I am jumping in with both feet! Stay tuned!

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