Monday, August 15, 2011

August Challenge........Returning to the Canvas

I am working on my painting/mixed media big piece and it is going to take some time and there is always a chance that I will screw it up but I am going for it. I had a friend over today and I was careful to make sure that the canvas was completely covered because it is not ready to be seen. I have found that letting people see the unfinished project, jinxes the whole thing, you let the energy out explaining the piece to them. I have learned this the hard way, ten years ago I was working on a story, I had written one hundred and eighty long hand pages and I was so excited that I started to share this with a few people and ended up losing the magic and was stopped cold in my tracks and it sits unfinished until this day and the world has changed and I lost my window of opportunity. In the meanwhile, I am still out there with my camera gathering images of my time on planet earth and I am enjoying all of the photo prompts I am participating in given by all of the fabulous creative photographer women bloggers, so much so that I might need to start another blog in order to have some where to put all of these images from the prompts and assignments.

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